People visiting Iceland, whether as tourists or on business, usually agree that visiting the adventure island is an amazing experience; even if there isn't a volcanic eruption going on! There are many things to see and experience, both within the capital area and in the countryside.

Booking for excursions within and outside Reykjavík will be available on the registration site. There will also be tailor-made conference excursions. Detailed information will be posted later.


More than twenty airlines will offer international flights to and from Keflavik International Airport in 2022.

The distance from Keflavík International Airport to Reykjavík is 55 km or 45 minutes drive. The FLY BUS offers shuttle service between hotels in Reykjavík and Keflavík airport in connection with arrivals and departures. Taxi service is also available.

Congress secretariat

Athygli ráðstefnur lógó

Athygli Conferences
Armula 11
108 Reykjavík

Phone: +(354) 568 2800

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